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Information: |
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The Tulare Sci-Fi Con is
seeking exhibitors of various types, such as: retailers, small
vendors, comics, concessions, toy collectables just to name a
few, to exhibit at the convention. If you or your company is
interested, please complete the exhibitor's application, badge
request, and BOE410D (if sales). Download the
Exhibitors Kit.
Exhibitor's receive a table (10x10 booth) w/2 chairs and 4 Badges (see Exhibitor's Guide
for additional information on badges). Incomplete
applications will not be processed. Concessions/Food
Vendors must have all applications/fees completed by
February 1, 2017. |
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Below is the
Tulare Sci-Fi Con Exhibitor's list with space/area number. Please
visit the information booth when you enter the hall for a copy
of the event program. For your convenience, the program
will contain this list, hall map and event program. |